Golf Rules 2019

Since 2019, new Rules of Golf have been in force, after receiving numerous opinions and proposals from the golfing world, including some of the RFEG. These new Rules affect all golfers, making them easier to understand and apply not only for professionals and elite amateurs, but also for beginners, low handicappers and club players.

The essential goals of the new Rules of Golf are to make them easier for all golfers to understand and apply; be more consistent, simple and fair; and reinforce the longstanding principles and character of the game.

Based on this, it is intended that the Rules use concepts, procedures and results easier to learn, treating similar situations equally, avoiding unnecessary concepts and exceptions that can create “penalty traps” for the player.

Check the rules here
The player accidentally moves his ball during the search
Player accidentally moves his ball or ball-marker while on the Green
Replacing the ball without knowing the original spot
Dropping procedure in a defined relief area
It is allowed to substitute the ball when taking relief
Replacing the ball that moves on the Green
Penalty areas replace obstacles
Touching loose impediments or ground in a penalty area
Move loose impediments or touch down in bunker
Playing out of turn in stroke play
New alternative form of stroke play
Lost ball

The time to search a ball have been reduced: A ball is lost if it is not found withinthree minutes (as opposed to the current five minutes) from when the search began.

Equipment that the Player is authorized to use
  • Use of damaged clubs. Replacement of damaged sticks
  • Distance measuring devices